Have you had a chance to check out our concept pages? We recently posted three new pages: Positive and Negative Peace, written by peace and conflict studies major and former GDP intern, Benjamin Jakubowski Local Government, written by KSU MPA alum and former GDP project manager, David Jirsa Freedom of Information Act & Public Records Act, written by KSU political science major and former GDP intern, Emily Murnane Check out all of the concept pages and learn how you can…
New Partnership with KSU Peace and Conflict Studies & Center for Pan-African Culture: Race & Democracy in NEO
KSU Peace and Conflict Studies & Center for Pan-African Culture (with funding support from Mark Lewine): The Growing Democracy Project is partnering with Dr. Shemariah Arki, interim director of the Center for Pan African Culture (CPAC), and Dr. Anuj Gurung, School of Peace and Conflict Studies (SPCS) Post-Doctoral Fellow on a new series: Race & Democracy in Northeast Ohio. We will focus on anti-Black and anti-Asian racism and racialized politics in Northeast Ohio. The series will include a 10-episode podcast series focused…