Series 5 Episode 3 – Michael Palmieri, Ohio Employee Ownership Center

Series: 5. Demystifying Policy-Relevant Research Episode: 3. Michael Palmieri, Ohio Employee Ownership Center Podcast #: 63 Release Date: October 4, 2021 Summary: This week the podcast continues with the new series – demystifying policy-relevant research-in collaboration with the Northeast Ohio Chapter of Scholars Strategy Network. Ashley and Casey speak with Michael Palmieri, Research Associate at Kent State University’s Ohio Employee Ownership Center. The conversation centers around on the ways employee-ownership can be used as an economic development strategy to create…

Series 6 Episode 0 – Meet our new co-hosts!

Series: 6. Race & Democracy in Northeast Ohio Episode: 0. Drs. Anuj Gurung and Shemariah Arki Podcast #: 62 Release Date: September 13, 2021 Summary: In this episode, Ashley and Casey welcome two new co-hosts to the podcast, Dr. Shemariah Arki and Dr. Anuj Gurung. Series 6 centers on the theme of Race & Democracy in Northeast Ohio, and is a collaboration with the School of Peace and Conflict Studies and the Center for Pan African Culture at Kent State University.…