Dear Friends and Supporters,

It is with a bit of nostalgia and a lot of appreciation that we announce the closure of the Growing Democracy Project. Over the past five years, we have sought to build a more inclusive and participatory democracy through dialogue, workshops, and community-engaged research. While this decision is undoubtedly bittersweet, funding constraints have regrettably become insurmountable.

Since its inception, we aimed to have the Growing Democracy Project serve as a catalyst for positive change within our community. Despite the challenges we have faced–and there have been many over the last 5 years–our commitment to fostering civic engagement, amplifying marginalized voices, and advocating for equitable policies has remained resolute.

While the decision to close the Growing Democracy Project was not made lightly, we are immensely grateful for the support and dedication of our students, partners, donors, and supporters throughout this endeavor. Your contributions have been instrumental in advancing our mission and shaping the collective vision of amore just and participatory democracy.

As we bid farewell to this chapter, let us reflect on the countless moments of collaboration, inspiration, and growth that have defined our journey together. Over the last five years, we have hosted numerous student-run events, including a film festival and a photovoice project. We hosted community workshops in Kent, Cleveland, and online, bringing in local and national leaders to facilitate conversations about community organizing and civic power. We launched a highly successful podcast, which has 81 episodes and more than 10.6Klistens from an international audience! We built a website as a platform to share co-created content, from concept pages to blogs. And most recently, we hosted the Democracy Roundtable and Fellowship program, which brought together community members, faculty, staff, and students to engage in meaningful conversations about pressing topics. Honestly, we did a lot in 5 years!

While the Growing Democracy Project may be drawing to a close, the values and principles that have animated our work will continue to guide us in our future endeavors. Don’t worry, you can still access the website and listen to the podcast. And, cross your fingers, you will be able to read some of the research that came out of the GDP in journals soon!

Thank you once again for your unwavering support and dedication to the Growing Democracy Project. It has been an honor and a privilege to do this work. As we close this chapter, let us do so with gratitude for the journey we have shared and with hope for the future that lies ahead.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Ashley & Casey

Co-Founders, The Growing Democracy Project