Series: 6. Race and Democracy in Northeast Ohio
Episode: 2. Professors Nishani Frazier and Ayesha Bell Hardaway
Podcast #: 67
Release Date: December 13, 2021
Summary: This episode is part of Series 6, Race and Democracy in Northeast Ohio. Our second episode begins by exploring the 3R’s: race, racism, and racialized systems of oppression. Casey and Shemariah talk with Professors Nishani Frazier (Associate Professor of American Studies and History at University of Kansas) and Ayesha Bell Hardaway (Associate Professor of Law at Case Western Reserve University School of Law). The conversation focuses on defining and understanding racial justice, as well as how racialized systems of oppression make racial justice increasingly challenging. This series is made possible with funding from Mark Lewine and the John Gray Paynther Program.
Hosts: Casey Boyd-Swan & Shemariah Arki
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