In 2019 we convened faculty, staff, students, and community members from throughout northeast Ohio to co-create a civic and political engagement curriculum. Our equity-center civic engagement curriculum is built on 5 inter-related modules, focusing on skills and practices for creating sustainable change:
Module 1: Self-Aware Civic Leader
Module 2: Defining Problems, Identifying Solutions
Module 3: Demystifying Politics, Policy, & Processes
Module 4: Individual Action to Collective Action
Module 5: Tools & Strategies for Action
As we build out each of the modules and revise our curriculum, check out our list of community-developed Concepts, Events, & People page. We are adding more concepts regularly!
You may also be interested in checking out our new podcasts, or these videos from previous community workshops:
- History & Use of Op-Ed for Social Action, with Barb Hipsman Springer & Bob Springer
- Leveraging the Power of the Media, with Dr. Meghan Rubado
- Civicize.Me’s Backyard Civics 101, with Shannon Garrett
- Facilitating Difficult Dialogues, with Dr. Brandi Blessett